Following the successful conduct of the 2015 general
elections, the city of Lagos, the nations commercial center witnessed a
convergence of people at the start of the 2015 Lagos Black Heritage
Festival (LBHF), on the 18th of April 2015, at the Freedom Park, Old
Broad Street Prison, Lagos.

of an impending visit by the historic Globe Theatre in England was a
major factor in LBHF’s decision to prolong its break from the geography
based thematic series – The Black in the Mediterranean Blue – on which
the Festival embarked in 2012. The visit of a famed professional theatre
seemed too good an opportunity to miss for calling attention to the yet
impoverished local status of Theatre. Thus, for this year’s edition, it
was decided to centre activities around – DRAMA!
Alas, we were not to know that the real-life drama of the Nigerian elections would be extended by a full month, compelling the Festival’s shift of dates in turn. Our expected collateral harvest of attention through immediacy is somewhat diminished. Nonetheless, we still hope that the passage of these professionals, will linger as the Festival picks up the gauntlet, even a month later. It should at least invigorate interest in the theatrical arts, underlining the practical challenges with which the home-grown version has to contend in virtually every aspect of dramatic presentation.

year’s excursion into Drama as central theme does however offer a
special contribution to the artistic trail blazed by these visitors. Its
format was inspired by an increasing awareness of the need to bring
theatre closer to the people, not merely confine it to predictable,
albeit efficiently structured venues. Directors were selected, then
encouraged to scout for optional spaces that they find most appropriate
to their choice of plays – bare spaces, night clubs, open pavilions etc.
– thus weaning drama of domination by ‘congenial confinement.’ Freedom
Park will therefore constitute only one of this year’s drama venues,
though without abandoning its role as the hub of the Festival.
Other activities include the pilot edition of the Mentor/ProtĂ©gĂ© project. Experienced hands in the sub-disciplines of the Dramatic Arts – playwriting, acting, directing, technical theatre, dance-drama etc. – have been invited to mentor one aspiring theatre practitioner each, in a learning collaboration lasting six weeks. At the end of this period, protĂ©gĂ©s will showcase their projects. This, we hope, will become a regular feature, not only in Drama but in other Arts disciplines. Interested audiences will be permitted to observe some of this aspect of “passing the baton”, a condensed exercise in what is also known as apprenticeship, or passing on skills – in short, a mission is to preserve a continuity of experience in specialized skills.

year also, the Festival will pay homage to one of the Nigerian theatre
veterans with a wide experience of the stage both abroad and in Nigeria,
and who has been a source of inspiration to a whole generation of
theatre artistes. If even a small measure of professional discipline has
succeeded in penetrating the glut of video drama in what is now known
as ‘Nollywood’, it is only thanks to this artiste who will be our Guest
in the MEET THE ARTISTE series.
And then – a different kind of preservation – starring the Veteran of veterans, the late Hubert Ogunde who will be the subject of an Exhibition. New generation enthusiasts and those who simply wish to stroll down memory lane can look forward to browsing through the memorabilia of the indisputable pioneer of Nigerian theatre. Whenever the expressions ‘Folk theatre’, ‘Folk Opera’, ‘Traveling Theatre’ etc. are uttered, the image that springs to mind throughout West Africa is – Hubert Ogunde.

other partnering pillars that uphold the Heritage Week continue to
surpass expectations. The Boat Regatta waits yet again to light up the
lagoon that gave name to the City of Waters, while the Street Carnival
constantly re-invents itself in the capacity to dazzle and inebriate
with its cocktail of extravagant Costuming, Music and Design through the
streets of Lagos. Not to be missed of course, is the now ritual opening
– the Masquerade Parade. This year, we give pride of place to
Masquerades exclusively from the partnering City –Badagry.
Ever mindful of the entitlement of the upcoming generation, and to remind the adult world of the brimful of talent that ensures artistic continuity and innovation, as well as imparting early understanding of Art as an expression of life itself with all its joys, anguish, triumphs and challenges – LBHF continues its quest of The Vision of the Child. This year, there is a small innovation. Instead of just one medium, Painting, the Festival has invited the expression of that vision in a duofold encounter – Word, and – Image. Seeking to enhance the powers of observation and representation, children are being encouraged to express themselves annually on a chosen theme – drawn from the entire gamut of life and surrounding phenomena. For this year, 2015, the selected theme is: The Road to Sambisa. – Wole Soyinka, Festival Consultant.
See more photos below:

Sangolo Masquerade during their parade.
Alas, we were not to know that the real-life drama of the Nigerian elections would be extended by a full month, compelling the Festival’s shift of dates in turn. Our expected collateral harvest of attention through immediacy is somewhat diminished. Nonetheless, we still hope that the passage of these professionals, will linger as the Festival picks up the gauntlet, even a month later. It should at least invigorate interest in the theatrical arts, underlining the practical challenges with which the home-grown version has to contend in virtually every aspect of dramatic presentation.
Elemele Egungun “Orisha” displaying during the parade.
Other activities include the pilot edition of the Mentor/ProtĂ©gĂ© project. Experienced hands in the sub-disciplines of the Dramatic Arts – playwriting, acting, directing, technical theatre, dance-drama etc. – have been invited to mentor one aspiring theatre practitioner each, in a learning collaboration lasting six weeks. At the end of this period, protĂ©gĂ©s will showcase their projects. This, we hope, will become a regular feature, not only in Drama but in other Arts disciplines. Interested audiences will be permitted to observe some of this aspect of “passing the baton”, a condensed exercise in what is also known as apprenticeship, or passing on skills – in short, a mission is to preserve a continuity of experience in specialized skills.
Elemele Egungun “Orisha” displaying during the parade.
And then – a different kind of preservation – starring the Veteran of veterans, the late Hubert Ogunde who will be the subject of an Exhibition. New generation enthusiasts and those who simply wish to stroll down memory lane can look forward to browsing through the memorabilia of the indisputable pioneer of Nigerian theatre. Whenever the expressions ‘Folk theatre’, ‘Folk Opera’, ‘Traveling Theatre’ etc. are uttered, the image that springs to mind throughout West Africa is – Hubert Ogunde.
Sangolo Masqurade from the ancient city of Badagry
Ever mindful of the entitlement of the upcoming generation, and to remind the adult world of the brimful of talent that ensures artistic continuity and innovation, as well as imparting early understanding of Art as an expression of life itself with all its joys, anguish, triumphs and challenges – LBHF continues its quest of The Vision of the Child. This year, there is a small innovation. Instead of just one medium, Painting, the Festival has invited the expression of that vision in a duofold encounter – Word, and – Image. Seeking to enhance the powers of observation and representation, children are being encouraged to express themselves annually on a chosen theme – drawn from the entire gamut of life and surrounding phenomena. For this year, 2015, the selected theme is: The Road to Sambisa. – Wole Soyinka, Festival Consultant.
See more photos below:
Masqurades from the the ancient city of Badagry during their parade
Akaka Nigonkwele masqurade performing during their parade
Prof. Wole Soyinka, Lagos State Commissioner for Tourism, Disun
Holloway and Mrs Francesca Emmanuel during the official openning of the
exhibition “The Road to Sambisa” at Freedom pack in Lagos Island