Prof Yemi Osinbajo
Punch quotes him saying: “We have always talked about zero tolerance for corruption but it is also important that people are made to understand that there will be consequence for corruption.
“What we have seen so far is that there is hardly any consequence and people simply get away with it and if you get away with it often, it sends a message to everyone that there is no problem, and we need to fix that whole thinking that there has to be a consequence for corrupt practices.
Osinbajo says Nigerians must reveals how they come about their enormous wealths: “People have to explain, for instance, if you are a public servant, that how come you have 50 houses. Somebody needs to ask you those questions and some of the reasons people get away with that is our criminal justice system.”
He says for Nigerians to take corruption seriously Nigeria must reform the criminal justice system.
“Our criminal justice system needs to be fixed. The system is slow and it almost always ensures that people who have been charged with offenses would not be tried forever and after a while people forget that people are on trial.
“We have to fix that criminal justice system to ensure that criminal trials are speedy and that anyone who is guilty of an offense will be punished for that offense.
“The truth is that the system of protection, investigation and trial of people is wrong and the truth is that everybody gets away with criminality in Nigeria and I think there is a need for us to review the system such that it begins to work.”
Osinbajo added that the Nigerian Police force would undergo some reforms in order to reduce corruption.
Buhari meanwhile has previously stated that he will be forgiving of any politician who has corruption charges against him before he comes into power but will be less pleasing after he comes to power.
Along with corruption, Buhari/Osinbajo have promised to fight unemployment, insecurity and revive the failing industries in the country.