For habitual Gala consumers like me you would notice that the size of the sausage roll has reduced.
the sausage roll normally eaten with the la casera drink has reduced in size.
i don't know if am the only one noticing this, it was embarrassing having bought a piece of gala and finding the size to be much smaller than before. i don't know if the fuel scarcity in Nigeria as of the time of my discovery is to blame for this.
if have any gala sausage roll that has an expiring date dated from 31st of may 2015 up, please help me check or confirm let me know if i actually bought the original sausage roll or a FAKE!
i don't know if am the only one noticing this, it was embarrassing having bought a piece of gala and finding the size to be much smaller than before. i don't know if the fuel scarcity in Nigeria as of the time of my discovery is to blame for this.